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So you’re the lucky person who gets to figure out how to “get contracts under control.” A task that is seemingly straightforward, but in reality, is quite complex. Until this point, the “process” for...

Every contract management software in the market is unique in its own way and so is each software’s search. If speed, ease of use, and accuracy are all important qualities you’d like from contract...

If your business is planning an overhaul of its contract management lifecycle, then you know finding the right solution is only half the battle. The second half is actually implementing the software....

Contract management software has the potential to save companies hundreds of thousands of dollars by improving the operational efficiency of the contract lifecycle, but those savings will hardly...

Contract management is like flossing … you know you should be doing it more often and probably be doing a better job. But … there always seems to be other things that get in the way. Your dentist may...

Like many technical terms, optical character recognition – or OCR – actually describes a fairly straightforward concept. It’s important to understand what it means for contract management because...

Over the past six years, we have heard a lot from our customers about their ContractSafe contract management software wish list. You spoke … we answered. We are excited to announce that we have...

From mom-and-pop shops to Fortune 500 corporations, companies of all sizes rely on contracts to protect themselves and govern every aspect of day-to-day business. Customer deliverables, vendor...

It doesn't matter if you're a large corporation or a sole-prop, contracts serve as the foundation of your business. If your company manages more than a dozen or so contracts per year and is still...

We are very proud to announce that CIO Review named ContractSafe as one of the Most Promising Enterprise Contract Management Solution Providers for 2020. The full profile highlights how ContractSafe...

Good contract management practices are imperative to a business's long term growth. Small process inefficiencies may not seem like a big deal on the surface, but when bad practices and manual tasks...

Summer is here! And with it, some great new ContractSafe features . Keep reading for more information about SubFolders, an improved Dashboard, User reports, and more. Let's dig in! SubFolders For...

Rapidly evolving technology continues to revolutionize the way business is conducted as automation and artificial intelligence pave the way for greater operational efficiency. Companies that fail to...

Regardless of the industry, contract management is an essential component of business operations. Contracts serve as the backbone of day-to-day business functions and are an important tool for...

Over the last several years, companies have started to pay closer attention to internal contract management and the impact it has on growth and revenue. In an effort to reduce contract lead times,...

Originally, contracts were chiseled into clay tablets. For a long period, only the most important of contracts were written down. But the days of fewer contracts, handshake deals and IOUs are long...

Tracking changes, also known as redlining, refers to the contract lifecycle stage where legal teams and other contributors take turns reviewing, marking, striking, or commenting on the proposed terms...

Contract management is an important part of the procurement process that involves the creation, negotiation, and storage of all legal documents that govern a company’s purchase and delivery of goods...

In many ways, contracts are the backbone of business operations. customer service, vendor deliverables, employee obligations, and real estate terms are just a handful of the many critical business...

Due to the sheer volume of vendor contracts and intellectual property that colleges and universities manage on a daily basis, they have developed a reputation for being risk-averse and slow-moving...

The contract lifecycle at any company can be a laborious process, but the hospitality industry presents its own unique operational and logistical challenges that can make contract management...

How often do you receive an NDA that's a PDF, but you need to redline? Or search for an old contract that you want to use as a template, only to find the only version you have is the final scanned...

Our mission is to make it easy to manage your contracts with a solution that's easy to implement, use and afford! We get fantastic reviews from our customers for being easy to use, and for having...

Fun news...ContractSafe was included in the list of the Top 20 Contract Management Blogs. We know what some of your are thinking. There are really more than 20 blogs focused on contract management?...

One of the frustrations that we hear frequently is that it can be challenging to get approval for a Contract Management System since the company views it as a cost center, and most new systems go...

DocuSign just conducted an interesting study. It seems that more than two thirds of companies still do not have a contract management tool in place. The general theme seemed to be that companies are...

At ContractSafe we love contracts. We's kind of weird. But it's what we do! Another thing we love is Sterling Miller's blog. He takes complicated areas of the law and simplifies it into Top...

We often post content here that can be helpful to our customers (or others) and this article on the Andreessen Horowitz website was well written and addresses a lot of concerns that we deal with in...

We've put a fresh coat of paint on the house! And patched some windows and doors while we were at it. You'll notice our new look on each page of the site, once you're logged in. We've improved the...

We just released a new feature that will save you a lot of time. Advanced Search is here. Also, bulk edits have been updated so that you can bulk edit any field in ContractSafe. Add in some improved...

In an increasingly technological world, IT managers play a vital role in the success of any company. And certainly, the more that IT managers understand the roles of other departments in the...

Let’s face it – life and business are both all about relationships, and most of those relationships require hard work and negotiation. At home, we seek common ground with partners, parents, friends,...

Contract managers come from all walks of life. Some are attorneys, some have paralegal training, and some have worked in legal departments. These employees may already have a firm grasp of legal...

Top executives and managers have long realized the importance of hiring the right person for a particular job. Recognizing this fact, author and business consultant Jim Collins once said, “Great...

We know that business managers and professionals across all industries face incredible time management challenges. On some days, it feels like two new fires erupt for every old fire we put out. Plus,...

Americans have long been fascinated by automation and the concept of artificial intelligence. In that vein, science fiction books and movies have long captured the attentions and imaginations of...

Maximizing resources is an overarching principle in business management. Managers get excited, and justifiably so, when they can add a little revenue here and cut an expense or two there. Implicit in...

Easier Filters Easier Column Changes Easier Deleting Easier Edits We've got some great St. Patrick's Day presents for you! Lots of new features, all designed to make your life easier. Let's take a...

The construction industry arguably goes hand-in-hand with human civilization itself. In fact, anthropologists, scholars, and other scientists often study our ancient construction to better understand...

Risk management professionals, in the broadest sense, must concern themselves with anything that can potentially create liability for the company or harm the company’s assets. In addition, managers...

The management of risk is so important in business that “risk management” has become a well-respected profession, with dozens of universities producing graduates with business degrees in the field....

We're proud that LegalSifter selected ContractSafe as part of their new, full service contract management solution called Sifter Concierge. This exciting new service is for companies that want to...

Risk management is a common theme in business, reflecting the importance of protecting the enterprise’s assets. Managing risk takes many shapes, from the purchase of insurance to the use of...

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technological innovation with important business applications. In essence, the technology allows a software program to analyze text and convert it into a...

Most people have a favorite book or movie, made up of a series of chapters or scenes. Standing alone, these scenes or chapters are important but may be confusing when viewed in isolation. But if...

From its founding, ContractSafe knew it wanted to leverage AWS, as it's the most stable and user-friendly cloud platform. For the first year and half of its AWS deployment, ContractSafe’s internal...

Questioning (unquestionably) plays a big role in society. Socrates believed that questions, not answers, drive thinking, and law students have paid the price ever since! The scientific method is...

Contract management systems depend on precise, efficient systems for organizing and retrieving contracts. This often translates to a system for metadata management. But what is metadata - and what...

“Dispute resolution,” as a broadly defined term, has existed for centuries. On a macro level, early humans once relied on brute force. As mankind evolved, countries (or kingdoms) used emissaries,...

The arrival of the new year is an exciting time pretty much around the world. In America, many eat special foods for luck, drink champagne, and party late into the night. In Denmark, people collect...

We’ve all grown up hearing the idiom, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” But can you always convey everything you need to with a single photograph or drawing? Of course not. Pictures are great...

From the time we wake up in the morning until the time we go to bed at night, we exist in a world of contracts. We can turn on the lights and catch up with the morning news on television thanks to...

The business world is in a constant state of evolution. Certainly, many changes, such as high-tech machinery, precision manufacturing, and automated contract management software - just to name a few...

Bold predictions for the future have long captured American imaginations, and there’s no shortage of people willing to share their opinions, especially at this time of year. Serious prognostications...

Most would agree that we live in a world full of conflict. As always, politics, religion, economic policy, and even armed disputes can pit one nation against another. Within our own country, we’re...

Have you ever blindly accepted your take-out order at a restaurant, only to later be disappointed at home? Perhaps you ordered a sandwich and onion rings (because you’ve been craving rings for a...

Independent Audit Verifies ContractSafe’s Internal Controls and Processes ContractSafe today announced that it has completed its SOC 2 Type I audit. This attestation provides evidence that...

Everyone absolutely loves the end of the year, right? After all, holiday songs play non-stop on the radio. With our non-existent free time, we sprint through stores and stand in line to purchase...

Would you consider yourself a trendsetter, always wearing the latest fashions or the newest hair styles? Or perhaps an innovator or early adopter, always surfing at the front end of the technology...

The concept of security is nothing new, and has long captured the American imagination. In many popular books and movies, whether set in the old west or in a modern office building, someone has...

According to Merriam-Webster, “life cycle” was first used in 1855 to refer to the “series of stages in form and functional activity through which an organism passes between successive recurrences of...

It seems like “best” and “worst” lists pop up everywhere these days – especially since anyone with a computer, a blog, and an opinion can add to the fun. A quick survey of the internet turns up an...

All contract management software is designed to streamline the contracting process while reducing costs, but a good CMS is not one-size-fits-all. Certain CMS features, such as a digitized repository...

People sometimes complain that we live in a world of instant gratification, where patience is no longer a virtue. But it’s probably closer to the truth to say that today’s managers and employees work...

Some people might view a discussion of the insurance industry as the perfect antidote for insomnia – but not us. While we appreciate that reading and enjoying an insurance policy from cover to cover...

Business management has always been a complicated undertaking. Managers must define long-term objectives and short-term goals, then implement actions designed to accomplish both. The company must...

The rate of technological growth around the world is truly transformative, and shows no signs of slowing down. According to Moore’s law, computer processing speed will double every 18 months, which...

Top concerns for today’s business leaders continue to include the storage, management, and safety of data. That’s not surprising, given that every time we pick up a newspaper (o.k., every time we...

Technological innovation seems to be making everything smarter these days. From smartphones to talking speakers, one can’t help but sometimes wonder what the future holds. Perhaps even more amazing...

In today’s era of rapid technological evolution, you’d better stay plugged in or you will quickly lose track of the development of important business products and solutions. Moreover, with society’s...

A quick update about exciting new features on ContractSafe! ContractSafe [AI]ssistant Introducing your brand new [AI]ssistant. We’re really excited to announce that our new AI setup feature is live....

The Information Technology industry has enjoyed explosive growth for a number of years. According to research cited by CompTIA, the IT industry exceeded $4.5 trillion globally in 2017 and will exceed...

Just mentioning the words “hospitality industry” brings a smile to the average person’s face. Of course, those of us who do not work in the sector tend to see visions of palm trees, blue oceans,...

Although we may not always use the term “needs assessment,” the concept plays a critical role in both our business and personal lives. At home, a task as simple as making a grocery list counts as a...

The importance of the nonprofit sector in America cannot be overstated. Every day, nonprofits and their dedicated employees perform important service roles throughout society, affecting health,...

Here’s a story we have heard a million times from managerial personnel at organizations in many industries: Business is booming and everyone is working to capacity. Thus, the company needs help....

Formal education is something to which all Americans are exposed from a very young age. Yet the enormity of the industry is often overlooked. Traditionally, we think of education in terms of...

It’s an unfortunate fact that we can have regrettable periods of boredom in both our business and personal lives. Perhaps this is due, at least in part, to the fact that in the grand scheme of...

Healthcare issues touch almost everyone in American society. Whether speaking of politicians, patients, or healthcare providers, almost all Americans have a stake in the debate. Politicians have...

Contracts serve many purposes for the business organization. Companies memorialize agreements with employees, vendors, customers, and numerous other third-party stakeholders. Importantly, while the...

Contracts are ubiquitous in an organization, representing the company’s formal relationships with a multitude of parties. The process begins with one or more representatives of the business...

There’s no disputing that technology has evolved at an accelerated rate over the last several decades. In fact, some technologies seem to be eclipsed almost as soon as they are created. In other...

Woodrow Wilson once said, “If you want to make enemies, try to change something.” While we don’t want you making enemies, we all know that without change, there cannot be meaningful growth. In fact,...

For some, nothing sounds more tedious than drafting business contracts. If you don’t believe it, start discussing the importance of including a liquidated damages or force majeure clause in a...

There’s no way around it – hard working, conscientious professionals despise mistakes. But there’s also no way around the fact that mistakes are a part of the human experience, both personal and...

Artificial Intelligence, commonly known as “AI,” is a topic now discussed more frequently than ever before in the United States and around the world. The concept was once a far-fetched, fictional...

Some years ago, the concept of contract management could be summed up quite simply. For some, it meant little more than compiling and filing paper contracts in the correct cardboard file folder in a...

As a contract manager, you already know a thing or two about the havoc failed implementations can cause an organization. For those who may be unfamiliar, here’s what you need to know: in short,...

Anyone dealing with contracts on a routine basis knows how complicated contracts and the legal system that shapes them can be. Needless to say, the substantive content of a wide variety of provisions...

People sign contracts for lots of different reasons. Usually, the contract represents something positive for all of the parties involved. For example, a willing seller of a product or service finds a...

An often-repeated statement in business and in life is: “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Interestingly, this saying is popular with all types of managers and across most industries (OK, maybe bomb...

While we have no idea how many contracts are created daily across the United States, the number would certainly be staggering. Truthfully, most of those contracts will lead dull, boring lives. They...

Two new features to announce...Unique Tracking Numbers and Duplicating Records Unique Tracking Numbers Every contract page in ContractSafe has a unique URL...but now each contract has a unique...

How many times have we all heard someone say something like, “You better get it in writing,” or, “Give it to me in writing”? In colloquial speech, we often use such phrases as joking responses to...

In today’s society, more so than ever before, business managers are bombarded with technological products and concepts, and must make sound decisions on behalf of the organization. Hardly a day...

While reading about the elements required to form an enforceable contract might appear a bit dry to some, the history of contract law has all sorts of entertaining and interesting stories. Many of...

ContractSafe is an "easy product to use" with "many helpful features" and "tight" security, according to a new report on contract management software from Gadget Advisor. Here's a link to the full...

Many professionals deal with contract management and its many benefits on a daily basis. However, some people have had less exposure to the concept, and “contract management” is a term that has...

If you’ve signed many contracts in your life, chances are you’ve seen some real doozies. Some contracts can be dozens, or even hundreds, of pages long. Think about a lease agreement you signed, or...

The concept of security is ubiquitous in our lives. We lock our homes and cars, and sometimes add electronic security monitoring systems to them. We keep cash, smart phones, and other valuables close...

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