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If you're in the finance world--whether it's banking, lending or investment--you already know compliance is no joke. SOX, Dodd-Frank, FINRA, GLBA, UDAAP . . . the alphabet soup never ends. Sound...

HIPAA. Just saying it sends chills down the spines of healthcare legal teams across the United States. If this is your first run-in with it, HIPAA stands for the Health Insurance Portability and...

If you're still relying on on-premise software and in-house resources to manage your contracts, it's time to consider an upgrade. Post-COVID, remote work and digital collaboration have become the new...

Imagine juggling a hundred or even a thousand balls at once. Sounds impossible, right? Now imagine each ball is a contract your business depends on. Effective contract management for such an enormous...

Three words no legal team wants to hear: breach of contract. It’s an event that creates challenges and frustration for everyone involved. It’s what happens when someone doesn’t live up to their end...

Contract risks are a lot like the weather. We’ve all been there: the sun’s shining, not a cloud in the sky, then just a few minutes later, you feel that first drop of rain hit your shoulder. Slowly,...

Contract compliance might just be corporate America’s least favorite dance. It’s a complicated affair involving multiple parties, with steps that change on the fly. And missing a step can result in a...

HIPAA. Just saying it will send chills down the spines of healthcare legal teams across the United States. If this is your first run-in with it, though, it stands for the Health Insurance Portability...

Remember the Suez Canal fiasco? It was a little bit human error, a little bit poor planning, and it caused a really big supply chain disaster. In fact, it left 12% of global trade stuck in limbo...

Did you know that the first-ever contract was created over 4,000 years ago? It was a clay tablet from Mesopotamia that detailed the transfer of goods from one party to another. And while modern...

Behind every great hospital, there’s a team of administrative wizards keeping the whole ship afloat. Back-office teams may not be the stars of the show, but they’re definitely the ones running it....

You already know how important it is to keep on top of contracts. As a healthcare facility, getting contracts properly signed and implemented is essential to staying in business. Perhaps even more...

Good contract management practices are imperative to a business's long term growth. Small process inefficiencies may not seem like a big deal on the surface, but when bad practices and manual tasks...

In many ways, contracts are the backbone of business operations. customer service, vendor deliverables, employee obligations, and real estate terms are just a handful of the many critical business...

One of the frustrations that we hear frequently is that it can be challenging to get approval for a Contract Management System since the company views it as a cost center, and most new systems go...

At ContractSafe we love contracts. We's kind of weird. But it's what we do! Another thing we love is Sterling Miller's blog. He takes complicated areas of the law and simplifies it into Top...

We often post content here that can be helpful to our customers (or others) and this article on the Andreessen Horowitz website was well written and addresses a lot of concerns that we deal with in...

Top executives and managers have long realized the importance of hiring the right person for a particular job. Recognizing this fact, author and business consultant Jim Collins once said, “Great...

Maximizing resources is an overarching principle in business management. Managers get excited, and justifiably so, when they can add a little revenue here and cut an expense or two there. Implicit in...

The construction industry arguably goes hand-in-hand with human civilization itself. In fact, anthropologists, scholars, and other scientists often study our ancient construction to better understand...

Risk management professionals, in the broadest sense, must concern themselves with anything that can potentially create liability for the company or harm the company’s assets. In addition, managers...

The management of risk is so important in business that “risk management” has become a well-respected profession, with dozens of universities producing graduates with business degrees in the field....

Risk management is a common theme in business, reflecting the importance of protecting the enterprise’s assets. Managing risk takes many shapes, from the purchase of insurance to the use of...

Most people have a favorite book or movie, made up of a series of chapters or scenes. Standing alone, these scenes or chapters are important but may be confusing when viewed in isolation. But if...

Questioning (unquestionably) plays a big role in society. Socrates believed that questions, not answers, drive thinking, and law students have paid the price ever since! The scientific method is...

Bold predictions for the future have long captured American imaginations, and there’s no shortage of people willing to share their opinions, especially at this time of year. Serious prognostications...

Have you ever blindly accepted your take-out order at a restaurant, only to later be disappointed at home? Perhaps you ordered a sandwich and onion rings (because you’ve been craving rings for a...

Independent Audit Verifies ContractSafe’s Internal Controls and Processes ContractSafe today announced that it has completed its SOC 2 Type I audit. This attestation provides evidence that...

Everyone absolutely loves the end of the year, right? After all, holiday songs play non-stop on the radio. With our non-existent free time, we sprint through stores and stand in line to purchase...

The concept of security is nothing new, and has long captured the American imagination. In many popular books and movies, whether set in the old west or in a modern office building, someone has...

People sometimes complain that we live in a world of instant gratification, where patience is no longer a virtue. But it’s probably closer to the truth to say that today’s managers and employees work...

The rate of technological growth around the world is truly transformative, and shows no signs of slowing down. According to Moore’s law, computer processing speed will double every 18 months, which...

Top concerns for today’s business leaders continue to include the storage, management, and safety of data. That’s not surprising, given that every time we pick up a newspaper (o.k., every time we...

It’s an unfortunate fact that we can have regrettable periods of boredom in both our business and personal lives. Perhaps this is due, at least in part, to the fact that in the grand scheme of...

Contracts are ubiquitous in an organization, representing the company’s formal relationships with a multitude of parties. The process begins with one or more representatives of the business...

There’s no disputing that technology has evolved at an accelerated rate over the last several decades. In fact, some technologies seem to be eclipsed almost as soon as they are created. In other...

Some years ago, the concept of contract management could be summed up quite simply. For some, it meant little more than compiling and filing paper contracts in the correct cardboard file folder in a...

As a contract manager, you already know a thing or two about the havoc failed implementations can cause an organization. For those who may be unfamiliar, here’s what you need to know: in short,...

The concept of security is ubiquitous in our lives. We lock our homes and cars, and sometimes add electronic security monitoring systems to them. We keep cash, smart phones, and other valuables close...

Do you sometimes feel like you’re falling further and further behind the technological revolution as the rest of the world speeds up? Certainly, for a lot of us, technological innovation seems to...

Data is a hot topic these days, and often in a bad way. Think about all the massive breaches, like at Yahoo, where 3 billion accounts were compromised or Equifax which yielded up the Social Security...

ContractSafe announced today the availability of a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant version of its site hosted in the European Union. Following recently-launched integrations with...

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