Sharing & Roles


With so many fine details and moving parts, good contract management depends on flexible, fine-tuned tools. ContractSafe's customizable sharing and roles features let you grant exactly the kind of access you want, to whomever you want, maximizing security while giving you the flexibility and ease-of-access you need.




Here’s more information about our Sharing and Roles features:

Customizable Permissions and Roles

  • Grant access to unlimited users so no crucial parties are left out of the loop.
  • Assign roles with the click of a button to easily manage what your team members can do.
  • Grant customizable permissions to make sure that users only see what you want them to see.
  • Designate team members to be notified any time a new contract arrives they need to know about.

Document Security

  • Designate read-only and no-delete users to ensure important information isn’t changed or deleted.
  • Access a full audit trail, which allows you to see all the changes to and views of a contract.
  • Logins can be controlled by Single sign-on (SSO) to limit sharing.

Additional Customizable Features

  • Share or limit access with Tags – no need for separate data or diligence rooms!
  • Customize your Document Folders for additional control over organization, access, and permissions.

Customizable Dashboards

  • Immediate access to the latest contracts, reports, and data.
  • Fully customizable by user.
  • Dashboards can contain as much, or as little, information as you’d like.

Get Started Today


Contract management works best when team members can access documents quickly and securely. With ContractSafe's sharing and roles features, you can always be sure the right people will have access to exactly what they need, exactly when they need it – with the click of a button and the certainty that your documents are safe and secure. Need proof?