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What is an Actual Breach of Contract?

A breach of contract refers to the failure of one party to perform the obligations specified in a binding agreement with another party. When a contract is breached, the person at fault may face legal consequences. But not all breaches are the same.

An actual breach occurs when a party doesn't fulfill their obligation as agreed-upon in the contract. This can include failing to deliver goods or services, failing to make a payment, or performing poorly or incompletely. Actual breaches may vary in severity depending on the importance of the obligation and how late or poorly it was fulfilled. It may be minor (partial breach) or significant (material breach) depending on the nature and consequences of the breach.

What is the difference between an actual breach and an anticipatory breach of contract?

Contract breaches are classified as either actual or anticipatory depending on whether the breach has already occurred or is expected to happen, but hasn't yet. 

What is the difference between an actual breach and an material breach of contract?

A material breach of contract is a type of actual breach. Actual breaches are classified as either material or minor depending on the severity of the breach.

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