In Beta: Search for contracts using our NEW AI-powered Natural Language Search feature

This article will cover the new user interface for search as well as the details of how our our new natural language search feature works.

Note, that this feature is only on in a beta capacity for users who have signed up for our beta program. Please reach out to us to get this feature turned on for you or to sign up to be part of future beta testing. The article below will cover:

1. The New Search UI

2. How does AI-powered Natural Language Search work?

3. How does the search improve? How can I provide feedback?

4. Tips & tricks

5. FAQs

1. The New Search UI

When introducing the new AI-powered natural language search feature, we also consolidated and refreshed the user interface to interact with every search type (standard, natural language, and advanced search).

  • The initial selection when searching will start as "standard search"
  • If you click the AI icon to start a search, the natural language search will be defaulted to for that search
  • There is a new search feedback area that pops up below the search bar to help you create and refine your searches
  • We will provide a handful of natural language search examples to start, which you can hide if desired
  • We will save your 5 most recent searches to allow you to revisit those
  • You can navigate up and down in this search feedback area using your arrow keys to select different search types, example searches, or recent searches

2. How does AI-powered Natural Language Search work?

Our AI-powered Natural Language Search allows you to type in natural language prompts which we then translate using chatGPT into the correct filters and search parameters to give you the contracts that you were looking for. For example, if I was looking for all of my "contracts that terminate next month with a value over $500,000", I could simply type that into the search bar. The AI would then translate that to the proper filters of "termination date|Next month" and "value>$500,000" and apply those to your contracts list with just a quick request and click of a button.

ContractSafe contracts list 2024-08-02 at 4.27.15 PM

ContractSafe contracts list 2024-08-02 at 4.20.18 PM

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You will be able to query by:

  • any of the standard & custom fields that your organization uses
    • Show me my contracts uploaded in the past month that expire in 2025
    • Show me all contracts with custom number field between 100-1000
  • contract text
    • Show me contracts containing the text "confidentiality clause"

Below are a few examples of some helpful natural language queries that will be supported:

  • Contracts expiring next year valued over $500
  • Anything uploaded in the last 30 days
  • Active contracts expiring in the next 2 weeks
  • Anything tagged with consulting or sales
  • all confidentiality agreements with Acme Inc.

3. How does the search improve? How can I provide feedback?

When using the AI-powered Natural Language Search feature, we want to provide the opportunity for you to give feedback on how AI search did and if there are ways we might improve. You will be able to do this directly in the "search feedback area" below the search bar.

4. Tips & tricks

  1. Make sure to specify which contract data you are hoping to search by so that AI can easily translate that to the accurate results you need. If you're looking for a specific field or party, typing that out can help ensure AI pulls all the correct contracts into the AI search results. You can search things like:
    • Contracts with the counterparty of COUNTERPARTY NAME
    • Contract type is CONTRACT TYPE 
    • Folder is FOLDER NAME
    • Value is above $100k
    • Contract with CONTRACT TYPE over $100k that contain termination in the contract
  2. Being specific with your verbiage can really help narrow in on the results you’re looking for.
    • Searching for things like “Counterparty contains” will give you a more open ended search whereas “is” will narrow in on more of an exact search
    • The AI search understands language, so you don't need to be overly specific, but giving it simple phrases or sentences to translate will go a long way.
  3. AI powered search is good at pulling up multiple search parameters at once. Search for things like:
    • Contracts that I signed last year will find contracts with the Effective Date of 2023
    • Contracts with counterparty A expiring next year with a deadline to nonrenew date

5. FAQs

  1. How much does my verbiage matter when entering a natural language query?
    1. The AI will do a good job of translating similar verbiage into the correct filter output, but it is best to match the field verbiage you're looking for as closely as possible. For example, if you enter "contracts ending...", "contracts terminating...", "contracts expiring...", or another similar phrase, the AI will translate that to the "termination date" field very effectively. However, if you have custom fields like "purchasing order" and "purchasing number" it will help to be explicit in your language to ensure that your query results are correct.
  2. Do I need to have my contract data fields filled out to receive results?
    1. Yes, for the most part. The natural language search relies on translating your prompt into the right filters for your standard and custom contract fields. Accordingly, search will do a much better job of finding all the related results if the fields are filled in. The search will support contract text search, but that likely won't surface all of the results you're looking for as effectively as having the fields filled in would.
  3. Can I search by date reminders using natural language search?
    1. Not yet. Since the natural language search relies on translating your prompt into the right filters and there is not yet a "date reminders" filter, using this new natural language search will not help you filter down your contract list by date reminders. We do plan to add some filter support for date reminders soon and would then support that through the natural language search feature.
  4. Can I ask it to give me a list of all agreements that have the Tag “Assignment”? 
    1. Yes, you can! You'll even be able to say something like "Show me all contracts with the "Assignment" tag that are in the Vendor folder", and other such combinations. 
  5. Can I ask "How many active contracts are in the Vendor folder and all subfolders"?
    You won't be able to ask directly for "how many" but you can ask for those contracts and look at the contract count at the top of the page.
    Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 21.30.06