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How to enable and use Subfolders?

With ContractSafe you have the best of both worlds -- fantastic search and the option to use Subfolders too if you'd like!

If your organizational preference is to use Subfolders instead of or in addition to Tags and Custom Fields, you have the option to create and use Subfolders.

Only users with Admin rights (Account Owner, Admin, and Department Admin) have the ability to enable and manage Subfolders.

The maximum number of Subfolder layers/levels within each main folder is four.

Creating Subfolders

1.  Turn on Subfolders in your account by going to Settings and then to Folders, Tags, & Filters. Toggle subfolders on.

2. Once Subfolders are enabled, you can then begin adding them. You can also add Subfolders from the Dashboard by selecting Manage Folders. To add a Subfolder (and any additional sub-folder layers): 

  • Select +Subfolder.
  • Enter the name of the subfolder.
  • Select +Add.  
  • Click Done.

Tip: Alternatively, you can also press the Enter key on your keyboard after typing the subfolder name to add the subfolder. 

A banner should appear on the lower left of the screen confirming the action.

Uploading Contracts into Subfolders

You can upload contracts into Subfolders using any of the following methods.

With the Upload Contract Button

  • Click Add Contracts.
  • Select the Subfolder from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose Files to locate and upload your contract.

Subfolders are indicated whenever a sideways arrow is displayed.

Email Contracts

Email in the contract using your Email In address which can be found by clicking Add Contracts (upper right corner).

Once you have emailed in a contract(s) you can select it one by one or in bulk to be moved to a Subfolder.

  • Checking more than one contract off is considered a bulk move. If you only have one contract to move, then select that one. 
  • Click Move.
  • Click Move to New Folder from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose a Subfolder from the drown-down menu and click on it.
  • Select Move.

A notification will pop up in the lower left-hand corner noting: Your contracts have been updated. Your folders have been updated.

Delete Subfolders

When deleting a subfolder, the documents in the subfolder, go to the parent folder.

Go to the  Dashboard -> Manage Folders and click X on the subfolder you wish to delete, Click Yes and that's it. The subfolder is deleted and your contracts are automatically moved to the parent folder. Easy right?!

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 18.47.07

If you need further assistance, please reach out to support@contractsafe.com