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NEW* Introducing "My Company Management"

A Streamlined Way to Organize Your Organization

We're excited to announce the launch of our new My Company Management feature! This powerful tool, located within the Company Settings, provides a centralized hub for managing all the companies associated with your organization within ContractSafe. 

Benefits of My Company Management:

  • Centralized Control: Gain a unified view of all companies used within your organization, simplifying management and access.
  • Improved Accuracy: This feature allows you to rename, merge, and delete companies, ensuring consistency across your contracts. This will also improve the accuracy of "My Company" extractions performed by our AI Assistant, as it will have a centralized list to compare against.
  • Enhanced Workflow: Easily designate a default company and streamline the process of adding new companies your organization interacts with.

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Who can use this feature?

Account Owners and Admins have full access to My Company Management functionalities.

All subscription plans have access to this setting 

What can you do with My Company Management?

  • Choose a Default Company: Set a default company to expedite contract creation.
  • Add Company: Effortlessly add all companies used within your organization.
  • Rename Companies: Ensure consistent company names across your contracts.
  • Merge Companies: Combine duplicate company entries for improved organization.
  • Delete Companies: Remove companies no longer relevant to your organization.

Impact on [AI]ssistant (if applicable):

If you utilize our [AI]ssistant, My Company Management will significantly enhance the accuracy of "My Company" data extraction. The AI Assistant will now leverage this centralized list to improve its identification of your organization within contracts.

Important Note:

Currently, non-admin users can still add companies directly on the contract page. Simply navigate to the "My Company" field, type in the company name, and an admin can edit the entry if necessary.

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We believe My Company Management will significantly improve your ContractSafe experience by providing a centralized and efficient way to manage your organization's companies. 

Please reach out to support@contractsafe.com for any questions.