NEW* Create contracts using Templates directly from a submitted Intake Form

Templates with Intake Requests! This functionality allows you to seamlessly generate contracts directly from the Intake Requests submitted by your users.

We're excited to introduce a powerful new integration that simplifies contract creation. 

Note: this feature is available with the Maximise subscription plan.

Here's how it works:

  1. Create a Contract from Intake Request: Click the "Add Contract" button and choose the option "From Intake Request."

    Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 23.24.34
  2. Select the Intake Request: Select the specific Intake Request form you want to use (e.g., a standard non-disclosure agreement form).

  3. Complete Required Fields: Fill in any necessary fields within the Intake Request form itself.

  4. Skip Uploading a Document: Here's the magic! Instead of attaching a separate document, simply give your Intake Request form a title, and an empty contract will be automatically created based on the form's data.

  5. Post-Submission Options: After submitting the completed Intake Request form:

    • Upload a File: If you have a pre-existing document you'd like to use instead, click the blue "UPLOAD A FILE" button.
    • Use a Template: Click the arrow next to the "From Intake Request" option and select "From Template." Choose the desired template and preview the document to ensure all fields are populated correctly.
  1. Finalize the Contract: Once you've reviewed the populated information (from the Intake Request or template), click "PREVIEW DOCUMENT" for a final check. If everything looks good, click "SUBMIT" to finalize the contract.

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  2. Ready for Approval or Signature: Your completed contract is now ready to be sent for internal approvals or external signatures (if those features are enabled on your account).

Want to Learn More?

Benefits of Using Templates with Intake Requests:

  • Streamlined Workflow: This integration significantly reduces time spent on contract creation.
  • Reduced Errors: Data from the Intake Request automatically populates the contract, minimizing manual entry errors.
  • Improved Consistency: Utilize pre-built templates to ensure consistent formatting and language across your contracts.

Get Started Today!

Start leveraging this powerful integration to experience faster, more efficient contract creation within ContractSafe.

Please reach out to for any questions.