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What is the Recent Activity tab?

The Recent Activity Tab is a quick way to audit the recent changes made on your ContractSafe account.

The Recent Activity tab is the main Audit Log Window. It contains three Tabs.

  • User
  • Contracts
  • Deletions

Note : Only Admin level users can see the Recent Activity tab. 

The Recent Activity tab is located on the  Dashboard and by default, the Contracts tab will be in view.


1. In the User tab, we can see the recent login activity of users on the account. It will show the approximate time, and the exact date that a user logged in.

2. In the Contracts tab, we can see when a User Views/Updates/Uploads, and leaves a comment on a contract. You may also quickly open the affected contract by clicking on the Eye or Document icon adjacent to the recent activity.

3. And lastly we have the Deletions Tab. Here, we can see what contracts have been deleted and we have the option to recover them by clicking the Recycle-Bin symbol next to them. 
See also: How do I delete (or restore) a contract?

Note: As the name suggests, the Recent Activity Tab will only show recent activities on the account. If you wish to view ContractSafe's robust full audit trail, please check out this article: How do I access the Full Audit Trail for a contract?

Please reach out to support@contractsafe.com for any questions.